"Congratulations Mr. Vijay..."
 "Congrats and best wishes for your new job..."
             Vijay was receiving the flow of greetings in mobile on his promotion as the new CEO of an esteemed company.We together were in the drawing room.
"Congrats Vijay...! Hope you'll flourish in your new chair," I too greeted, sipping coffee.
"Thank you Venu, but I need your guidance for that flourishing"
"My guidance...? In what aspect? You've already proved yourself to be an expert in strategy and decision making."

"you're right! But you know I'm yet to refine myself in managing people.So be nice enough to suggest some ways to be effective  in my new job"
"Oh, it's my pleasure, Vijay! I think, managing oneself and managing people at workplace means bringing out the most powerful resource on the earth for better use.
           But people have different minds.So be lovable and be careful every moment.I daresay, the tips I'm going to mention, may be of your help...

1.Never Open Personal Matters:

As a boss, you've got to be professional.Speak less than necessary to your subordinates, that too only official matters regarding their performance. If you open your personal matters, they downsize your staunchness.Your profundity will be missing.

2.Be Committed to your Words:

Think before saying something or giving a word and strictly act according to what you say. Let your soul be the captain, your words be the ship and your deeds be the sailing.

3.Be Flexible and be Stubborn:

Don't play the 'Push and Pull game' for petty matters.Be a man of soul but not always a man of rule.Rules are there just to help us operating things systematically.Don't let'em overpower you.Be flexible at times.But never compromise in getting the expected outcome from your employees.

4.Be Confident in Crisis:

A piece of wood and a piece of iron...both look similarly strong.Then what shows their real strength? Fire, of course!Just you throw them into flames. One thing burns into ashes and the other gets rid of its rust. 
        Similarly, your confidence and your unshakable nature in crisis will keep you an iron man.

5.Be the Master of your Emotions:

As a human being, you may also have feelings like anger,delight,fear or surprise. But never let them be shown on your face or in your actions without your soul's permission.Never give your subordinates a chance to guess how you'll react the next moment.Have good impulse control and show your feelings judiciously.

6.Have an X-ray look:

Some people speak something and make something.So look beyond their words.Catch their inner pulse and act accordingly.Maintain spies if necessary.

7.Fire the Black sheep:

If you find some constant turmoil at your workplace, maybe there is a black sheep.Detect him. If he can't be changed, just fire him.

8.Choose the Right Person for the Right Job:

Different people have different skills and abilities.Now it should be your skill to find out the unique skills of each employee and entrust him the work accordingly.

9.Let Them Feel Your Thoughts as Theirs:

Naturally many people are reluctant to work on others' thoughts.They work passionately on their own ideas.So you should possess the skill of injecting your thoughts and ideas meticulously into the minds of your employees and yet let them feel those ideas to be their own.

10. Let Your Actions Speak for You:

Actions speak louder than words.So be miser in using words and be effective in actions.
           And Vijay...! I wish you win the hearts of all. Blow them away...!


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