Top 10 Real Beauty Tips

Top 10 Real Beauty Tips

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever."

      Yeah...!! Thanks to John Keats.

True...beautiful things give us a great pleasure. And maybe that's the reason why you, I and everybody's longing to look smart...........Searching for beauty tips in +Google and +Yahoo ...chasing beauty on and so forth.

D'ye know..?

A global research by +Dove UK a cosmetic product based company has highlighted a universal issue-

The ins and outs of the research say- "72% of girls feel tremendous pressure to be beautiful."

Now the question is..what is the measure of real beauty?

Think-Why can't we like some people even if they have stunning looks? What are they missing?
          -Why are we attracted to some in spite of their unimpressive outer looks? What beauty tips do they practice?

Yes, outer looks matter only for the first impression. People with inner beauty are the people with real beauty.

And hence here for you are the Top 10 Real Beauty Tips.

  • Minimize your focus on things which you can't change. Improvise the things you can change.
  • Personal Grooming: A well washed and ironed garment looks nicer than an expensive wrinkled and untidy dress. Similarly, a well-groomed person always scores better marks than an untidy fellow.
  • Smile Please: Smiles reduce miles of distance between people. A beautiful smile which derives in your heart, shines on your lips and reflects in your eyes, enriches your beauty 10 times.
  • Manners Count: Recall a person of your acquaintance with polite and good manners in spite of his unattractive outer looks and how stunningly he catches your attention. So manners always count for beauty.
  • The Melody of Voice: A flute with all the holes open can't produce sweet music. So don't use your full range of voice to speak. Practice to modulate it. (Follow my next article, How to modulate your voice.)
  • Soft Spoken Words: People who speak with selectively cute and gentle words look smart. So say-"Not so beautiful" in the place of "ugly".
  • Spread Positivity: People who are positive have always a glow of attraction around them. Negative people look gloomy and dull. So spread positivity.
  • Live with 3 Es: Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy are the 3 Es to make you look outstandingly beautiful. So every moment, in your every movement let them flow from you.
  • Hard Work: Have a look at idle people. Can you find any aura around them? Yeah...the aura of darkness! Then what about hard working people? They always look shining like a gem. So to work for a good cause always makes you look smart.
  • Love People: Last but not least...people who love you strike more beautiful to you. They come nearer to your heart. So always find reasons to love people who you live with.
Then, for sure, you'll be the most beautiful masterpiece God has ever created.

Image courtesy: +Google Photos


  1. Very true and nice article Sir

  2. Most useful article Sir. all the best Sir

  3. At first look the article seems to advice so called beauty tips,but interestingly after going through this it is a very nice message orientation which are practical to implement.Nice one sir,continue your journey in this blog field.

  4. Excellant concept.Inner beauty is the real beauty. These tips are much useful. Waiting for the next article..


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