8 Tips to be the Best Boss

Our Boss....
       The risk taker and the brisk walker....
          The trouble shooter and the bubble blaster...
             The loving dad and the living God...!
  Hello Boss...
    Would you like to be praised like this by your staff ?
Would you like to get your staff support enormously ?
Would you like to reach your targets within no time at all ?
Ok then...just practise these golden tips and right away be the best boss !

Love Them:

Your subordinates are the palanquin bearers who shoulder the responsibility of reaching your organization's targets.Moreover, they are human beings.
      Love is the golden thread which connects hearts.And it is the emotional fuel which strengthens bonds.So love the people and make'em love working for you.

Be Empathetic:


 DDI the talent management firm conducted a survey in India, China, US, UK, Australia, canada and Germany covering over 1250 full-time employees in non-management positions.
     The report says, these employees feel that their boss is the worst.He is ineffective and lacks empathy.So 55% of the employees consider leaving their job because of the leader.
       37% of employees didn't feel motivated to give their best to the company which affects the turnover.
       So be empathetic. Open your heart for them.Understand their feelings and problems and respond accordingly.

Find Ways to Appreciate:

The online jobs and career community Glass Door in its online survey among 2044 workers found that 53% of employees would stay at their company longer if they felt more appreciation from their boss.81% said, they're motivated to work harder when their boss shows appreciation for their work.
       So appreciate your employees for every qualitative performance.So take time to write a personal note to show your appreciation. It works magically.

Never Criticize Openly:

According to the survey by job portal Career, about 55% of Indian workers revealed that they have been bullied at work.They might be either falsely accused of mistakes or their comments were not acknowledged.
      Such things downsize employees' performance.So stop criticizing.Instead, correct them gently...How...?

Follow 3K Formula:

    If you find fault with your employees, correct them gently.Just follow 3K Formula...Kiss-Kick-Kiss...for that.
 This is how you can do this...
First, call them to your chamber to talk personally.
Kiss: Appreciate their performance where they are really good at.
Kick: Then show their fault gently but firmly.
Kiss: Finally show your confidence in them that they could do that self-correction easily and work effectively.

Don't Force but Persuade:

People don't like to work under pressure.If you want your employees work productively, let them feel responsible themselves.For that, let them love their work first. Don't force but persuade them regarding the ethical concept of responsibilities and productivity.

Recognize and Reward:

    Achievement and recognition are high motivators at the workplace.People naturally want to be recognized and rewarded for their contributions.So give them an extra day off, tickets to a show or a coupon to go out for dinner as Charley Polichi says.

Value their Ideas:

If you value your employees' ideas, they like to keep contributing as an integral part of the team.So ask for their feedback, ideas and opinions.Enroll them in the mission,vision and values of the organization.

   For sure, these things will do to reserve your place in your subordinates' hearts for good and keep your company's index in success graph high.
 Okey Pals...Go break a leg out there...!


  1. If boss recognize and practice above points offices filled with high performance.

  2. Nice one, but could have been better. Expected a lot from the title. Case studies are missing in it. Empathisable stories would have made a lot of difference in the article

  3. Very nice article, 3k theory works,one should know the smooth transition.....

  4. It is exlent but subordinates are more intelligent and they forget about middle K and enjoy the remaining 2Ks

  5. Frndz...thnq all for ur comments..


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