Hey guys...,
    What has become of your liveliness at workplace...?
       What has gone wrong...?
Is it all due to your approach towards your boss?
 Right...Now the question is...Which face would you like to put on there... at your office...? Cheerful...or dry?

If you wanna be cheerful, try out these tips.And you'll be happy with your boss for sure.

1.Act Accordingly:  

The first thing you have to make clear for yourself immediately after joining under a new boss is to know what his mind is...

  • What is his attitude?  
  •  What does he expect from you?
  • Is he an egoistic or altruistic person?
     Know all these and act accordingly.

2.Never be an informer:

Some people act as informers to their boss.They mingle with their workmates and silently carry their adverse words to their boss.It seems okay in the initial stages. But gradually you will know that you're used as a pawn.Moreover, you lose credibility of both -boss and colleagues.Your troubles start there.So never play this bloody game.

3.No middlemen, Talk straight: 

  You may be suffering from a severe problem.You're seeking for some favour from your boss.In such occasions, never approach your boss through middlemen. They cannot convey it with the same gravity.You yourself can relate it effectively. So talk to your boss straight.

4.Choose the right time to talk:

A person's reaction depends on his mood at a particular time.If you touch your boss at the wrong time, you'll get a shock of unwanted response.So find a happy and suitable time to talk to your boss.

5.Act as an adult, not like a child:

Children are not trained to be punctual and sincere in their work.So they may have negligence and procrastination.But adults are not expected to be so.So manage your time well and work whole-heartedly.Otherwise, you may lose your boss' confidence.

6.Never play "Kick me game":

According to Eric Berne, the creator of  Transactional Analysis and the author of Games People Play, some people play loser games. Kick me game is one of such kind.When you play this game, you have an inner urge to get the attention of your boss.So you do something wrong. Then your boss kicks you with a warning or punishment.Then you come to normalcy.It's a loser game. Never play it.

7.Be task oriented:

Some people talk to their boss more about their excellence in their performance.It'll lead the boss to focus on their performance.If it's not satisfactory, they may have dug their own grave.Actions speak louder than words. So speak less, work more.

8.Stop advising your boss: 

"Boss instructs, subordinates follow." It's a universal principle.Don't violate it.Sometimes you may get some closeness with your boss.Never take advantage of it to advise him.Usually, bosses don't like to be advised by subordinates.So never do so unless he is truly democratic to welcome your advice.

Frenz...Just try out these tips and no wonder you'll be relieved of much unwanted stress at workplace.

And just wait for my next article for bosses...
 "How to Prevent Problems with Subordinates."


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