"I can't work in this office.The boss is sadistic."
"My workplace is just a place of bullying.He never understands our problems or even appreciates hard work."
    ...There are the very common words, heard in many workplaces.Usually, many people feel restless with their bosses.
       But no big deal...! Just have a look at these tips and prevent problems with your boss. 

Mind Your Job


    Boss is there to see you work perfectly.So mind your job.Focus on every nook and cranny of your job chart and perform your duties sincerely.No boss will be against you.

Don't Welcome Troubles: 

      No trouble can trouble you unless and until you're willing to trouble yourself by welcoming troubles.So just think what troubles may arise from your boss' side.List'em out and be determined not to allow 'em till the last day of your service.

Never Talk Bad about your Boss with your Workmates:

    Whatever bad opinion you may have about your boss.Never open it up with your colleagues.They may be his informers.They may take your talk straight to your boss.
      Sometimes, these tale-bearers themselves open up a talk with you against your boss.Don't be provoked to talk bad.Your words may put on wings to reach the ears of your boss.

Never Outshine your Boss:

    Sometimes you may excel your boss with your intelligence.He may not appreciate you. Moreover, he may feel threatened.It may lead you to new problems.So never outshine your boss.

Always Work beyond Expectation:

      In any workplace, there are three types of people
   # People below the mark...i.e.those who perform less than expected.
   # People beyond the mark...i.e. those who perform more than expected.
   # people on the mark...i.e.those who just do what they have to do according to their job chart.
Boss never minds or appreciates the third type.He always minds the first two.He hates and penalizes the first one and likes and rewards the second one.So always work beyond his expectation.

Boss is Boss:

Your boss is your boss...not your friend.Never try to go close to him. You yourself never poke your nose into his personal matters.Many a boss don't like it.

Boss is the Controller:

Many bosses think that they are there to control and even punish low performers.So they seek for chances for that. So be cautious and never give him such a chance.

Show your Talent and Dedication Judiciously:

Maybe you're a sincere worker.Maybe you're always passionate about the flourishing of your organization.But your boss should also know that.Personal branding image is also a must.So don't say but show your talent and dedication judiciously to your boss and be in his good books.
     Pals...apply these tips at your workplace and see the positive results...If not, wait for the second part of this post..."How to prevent problems with your boss?" (2)


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