6 Tips to Prevent Problems with Colleagues (1)

 "Oh...Workplace..? Horrible...! Full of gossipmongers,emotional,negative minded and selfish people...unbearable...! Truly it's a hell on the earth,"says Mr.Negative.
 "Oh...Workplace...? It's fantastic...!Full of workaholic people with hilarious spirits ! Truly it's the heaven on the earth," says Mr.Positive from the same office.

  Same place...same conditions...! But two different reflections ! Why...? It's our own attitude and our reactions that influence the conditions at workplace rather than the conditions themselves.
    In fact,we spend more time constantly with our colleagues than with our family members.And so if we have problems with our colleagues,the workplace will become a place of restlessness. But don't sweat it...!
Take these precautions and enjoy your workplace and your colleagues.

1.Never indulge in gossips: 

There is no scarcity of gossipmongers at the workplace. They create and spread gossips.Moreover,who gossips to you will gossip about you too.So never indulge in gossips.

2.Be away from provocative arguments:

In leisure time, your workmates usually talk about politics,films or convictions.Within no time,such talks turn out to be provocative arguments.In such occasions, hold your horses.Never participate in them and never cross anybody.

3.Never support any group;Be neutral:

In many workplaces,people form into groups.Usually,there is some kind of rivalry between such groups.So be neutral and be a friend of all.

4.Never be isolated:

You may like or dislike the company of the people you work with.But never be aloof.Isolation is dangerous.It creates enemies without reason.So look at the positive side of your workmates and let'em enjoy your company.

5.Never go close to negative people:

Some associates always see the wrong side of things...their boss,their duties,their organization and even their colleagues. They are energy suckers.They make you ineffective and unproductive.Be away from them.

6.Never hesitate to say 'NO':

Sometimes,you may not be able to help  your needy teammates.In such conditions, if you say 'yes',you have to keep your word.Otherwise, relations break.So never hesitate to say 'no' if it is inevitable.

 These are the six things not to do with colleagues.
In the second part of the article, let me share the six things we have to do to avoid problems with colleagues.


  1. Great words.. If we will these 6.. Then we definitely Prevent Problems with Colleagues... Thank u uncle..


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