Problems...! Problems...!! Problems...!!!  

Every day...Everywhere...Every moment...
They meet you...greet you...embrace you...and embarrass you...!
They don't mind..whether you are rich or poor...!
They don't care..whether you are young or old...!
They show their face in the form of a financial crisis... 
  or in the shape of a sudden stroke on health...
  otherwise in the posture of a broken relationship...
and shake...crack...or even break our hearts...!
And so isn't it a crucial thing to find out the definite causes of problems ?
Here, for you, are the five most important causes of problems.

1.Lack of Planning:

 Failing to plan is planning for problems.
If you start your task without proper planning,you may have many chances to face unexpected problems on the way.So plan your day,your year and your life journey with a foresight to minimize the problems that come across your way.

2.Lack of Impulse Control: 

Impulses come out of the emotional hike.They always overpower intelligence which results in making mistakes.It drops us in problems.
   For instance,sometimes we shop unnecessary things due to lack of impulse control.Slowly it becomes a habit and leads to financial problems.

    Joyful friendly talks may sometimes turn out to be irritating arguments just because of being unable to control our emotions.So it results in broken relationships.
    That's why Impulse control is treated to be the most important component of emotional intelligence.It is a good precaution to prevent problems.

3.Lack of information: 

Take up any task or job.But gather maximum information before stepping ahead.Many people,indulging in a task without adequate information, often face problems.

    For instance, if you are a fresher in an office,the very first thing you have to do is to procure the knowledge of your job chart.Otherwise, your day to day mistakes will throw you into problems.


"A stitch in time saves nine." Attending to a problem in the initial stage saves big loss.But people neglect some issues because they think they are minor things.

A Mr.Rajesh suffered from a dull persistent headache for some time.The headache was intense in the morning or at night.Though he knew it might be a symptom of brain tumor,he neglected health checkups and used to get relieved temporarily with pain killers.Result...he had to face the reality- brain tumor...!
    Why all this? Why not be a bit careful beforehand...?


 A Mr.Rao was very particular about traffic rules while on road.But he was unfortunately knocked down by a drunken man's car one evening.It is fate.

   Sometimes, health nuts face severe health problems.It's regarded as predetermined by supernatural power.
    These are the five most important causes of problems in life.

Please be so good as to follow my next blog posts in an episodic way to see "how to prevent problems?"from each of these causes.


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