HILLARY or TRUMP...? Make the Bright Choice..!

       Hillary or Trump...?

Make the Bright Choice...!

Dear Americans... We Love You...! 
         We, Indians, love you for more than one reasons.
Some of them,as we see, maybe...you're....
  • Clock walkers,what I mean very punctual 
  •  Friendly
  • Workaholic 
  • Generous
  • Sensationalistic
  • Socially liberal
  • Strict law followers, and above all...
  • Wise decision makers 
        You know...yours is the world's oldest democracy and ours,world's largest democracy.And since the day one,we've strengthened our bonds with you from worse to better.

Your presidents...Bush and Obama demonstrated accommodation to India's core national interests and acknowledged outstanding concerns. India's present Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi is ahead of the pack of strengthening bonds.
Our leaders know.."Strengthening bonds with India is joining hands with burgeoning."  

We believe...

Together we can grow...!
     Together we can glow...!
         And with this togetherness flourishing can flow...! So...

We both need...

  • Focus on joint manufacturing and technology sharing arrangement. 
  • Cooperation on global security matters including Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI)
  • Increase in bilateral trade and investment
  • Joining hands for common causes and
  • Merging hearts for universal goodness. 
    And a staunch leader with a mind of foresight and with a heart of empathy for mankind can be the right choice at this present juncture.

And now you need a leader...

  • Who can help east meet west
  • Who can answer strongly to the wolves in the disguise of sheep all o'er the world
  • Who may not foolishly cut the steps of the ladder of flourishing with a blunt knife of protectionism and most importantly...
  • Who can be emotionally balanced.
Your Right Choice results in bright future for the USA .
and Tight Bonds between India and  the USA.

 Now the ball is in your court....And so get on the ball and hit wisely....
             Hillary....or Trump...?




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