How to Lose Weight and Look Slim ? - A Highly Effective Weight Loss Formula
A Highly Effective Weight Loss Formula
Pals...Just imagine...You've become slim and slender..!
More healthy...
More active...
More attractive... and consequently...
More confident...!
Your pride...others' envy....Right..?
Wanna make it true ? Ok then,
Here's the Highly Effective Weight Loss Formula...for you.Just put it to practice.
A Triangular Weight Loss Formula
The reason why many attempts to lose weight fail is that the desire doesn't tap the subconscious mind.The feel of weight loss should become a passion for you.Follow these steps for that.
- First, have a strong determination to regain slim-fit personality.
- Take white cards and write your target-body-weight with red marker on them.Fix each card at places where you can see them regularly.
- Weigh yourself on the very first day of your weight loss program.Note down your weight in a diary.
- Form a passionate weight loss group and be an active member in it.There you can share tips,get encouragement and of course, even,a competition which strengthens your spirit.
- Weigh yourself every week and record your weight.
- Each time you lose a bit of weight,reward yourself with a small gift.
You've got to follow strictly what and what not to eat and how much to eat.The optimum quantity of calories for an average woman is 1600-1800 a day.For a man, it is 2400-2800 a day.
- Take 2 cups of fruit and 3 cups of vegetables.
- 200 grams of grains and 20 grams from whole grains.
- 3 cups of non-fat or low-fat dairy food.
- 150-200 grams of protein such as beans,lean meat,egg white, yogurt and seafood.
- Add fiber to your meal.Women need 25 grams and for men 38 grams a day.
- Take 3 liters of cold water each day.
- Shoot for 4-5 mini-meals during the day.
- Take brown bread instead of white bread.

- Limit foods with solid and saturated fats.
- Kick off junk foods and refined grains.
- Say goodbye to sweets.
- Strictly prohibit alcohol.
- Cut down on sodium(salt) too.
- Working out in a gym under the guidance of an expert is of much use.
- Some asanas of yoga such as sethu bandh,mandukasan,dhanurasan and surya namaskar are the best practice for weight loss.
- Walking briskly for 60 minutes 5 days a week is an excellent workout.
- Swimming is the best one with fantastic calory burn.
- Cycling,dancing,gardening and playing games are also suggestible.
Good luck guys...Wishing you glide with a slim fit soon...
Top 10 Fat-burning-foods follow in my next article.
Practical approach👌