How to lose Weight and Look Slim? - A Day with Mr.&Mrs.James

A Day with Mr.&Mrs.James

    The day before yesterday...I was thinking of my next article on obesity.I was in a public park with a pen and pad.
   "Hello Venu,how you ?"A familiar voice made me look back.
I happened to see a smart young couple aging around 30, looking at me with cute smiles on their faces.
In fact, I couldn't remember them.Trying to recollect,I responded with a blank smile.
    "Hey,forgotten? This is James with Lizzy,"reminded James.

I was astonished."Oh, Is this you James? I can't believe my eyes.What a change? Both of you with obese bodies then!With an extraordinary young and slim fit now! How did this miracle happen? Any magic?"

"Not at all.Just a change in lifestyle."
"Lifestyle? May I know something about it?" curiosity pried into my words.I thought it would help my next article.

 "You want to know or see? If yes to the latter,welcome to our home to be with us a day."invited James.
 "Thanks with pleasure."

The next morning, when I went their home the couple was out for a morning walk.After a few minutes,they came back drenched in sweat.
"Hey Venu, good morning. A big welcome," said James.
In the meanwhile, the maid brought two big glasses of ragi malt to them and a cup of milk to me.

"Thank you James, but how could a 50-year-old person glow like a young chap of 30? Now break the mystery of your weight loss magic."
"Well Venu, God has created us, human beings as nice masterpieces with a perfect shape.Who gave the right to man to spoil himself to be shapeless? That was the thought that made me take up weight loss program seriously. I was 110 kilos and my wife 85. Now the result within months is Lizzy 60 and me 75." 
We walked towards the swimming pool at the backyard as Lizzy went out for gardening.
Later, breakfast followed consisting oatmeal and fruit salad.
"We said goodbye to oily breakfast and evening junk foods. Only fresh veggies and fruit," explained Lizzy.

I could sense a pride of achievement in her voice. Most of the day I observed them taking  much cold water and 4-5 mini meals. In the evening they served a special tasty drink which I liked very much.
I asked about it.

"A mixture of orange, tomato, aloe vera and honey," they said smiling.
A day with Mr & Mrs. James opened a new window on weight loss concept to me.

  • A highly effective weight loss formula in my next article.


  1. nice titbits sir. when can we expect the complete picture of

  2. so when can we expect a complete picture of weight loss so that we can practice them. Anyway its inspiring. waiting for more....

  3. Tomorrow itself...thnx for regular following...


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