How to lose weight and look slim? - What results in obesity?

What results in obesity? Hi pals, Who doesn't want to look slim ? And who wants to carry bags of weight within their bodies? Even young guys suffer from the problem of obesity . Now the question is how to lose weight? And consequently How to look slim and smart? Some desperately say "I tried this, that and those but in vain." Obesity not only spoils smart looks but also damages health so be careful friends. But the good news is you can reduce weight easily. But how? Before answering the question let us hit upon the causes of obesity. Here we go... 1. Energy Balance: The energy in should balance the energy out. That means the calories of food you take in should balance the calories you spend in your activities. When the intake calories exceed the burning of calories, it leads to over weights . 2. Control Over Tongue: Mind... Your tongue is not your boss. It's just a gatekeeper. But Many people act as slaves to their tongue and can't...